Information Security Careers: Empowering Local High School Students to pursue Information Security Careers

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CSUCI Information Technology Services (Jim August and Carlos Miranda) recently enjoyed conducting engaging hour-long in-person and virtual presentations at Pacifica High School and Camarillo High School titled "Info Sec Careers: Why you are needed and why you can do them!"

During the sessions, we delved into the world of information security, discussing the importance of these careers and highlighting the opportunities available to students from all backgrounds. We aimed to inspire the students by emphasizing the demand for these roles and their capability to excel in this field. Information Security needs women, minorities, and other candidates from diverse backgrounds for good-paying jobs.

Key Highlights

Understanding Information Security: We provided an overview of information security, its significance in today's digital landscape, and its crucial role in safeguarding data.

Education: Graduating High School Students can look at going to CSUCI for majors such as Information Technology and Computer Science and, coming soon, a Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity. 

Career Pathways: Exploring various career paths within information security, we showcased the diversity of roles available, ranging from ethical hacking to cybersecurity analysis and beyond.

Certifications: Our goal was to empower the students by emphasizing that these careers are not only in demand but also accessible with dedication, passion, and continuous learning. The session provides an overview of the different Information Security professional certifications and the skills needed to attain them. 

Interactive Session: We engaged the students through interactive discussions, answering their questions and encouraging them to consider the diverse opportunities within information security.

We hope our session sparked interest and curiosity among the students about the exciting world of information security, inspiring them to consider a career path in this ever-evolving and crucial field.

A huge thanks to Pacifica and Camarillo High School for the opportunity to connect and share insights into the world of information security careers!