Archive for February 2021

Using Bitlocker to Encrypt your PC

by Anonymous in ,

Dear Colleagues,

CSUCI uses Windows Bitlocker for full disk encryption of campus owned PCs.  In the coming months, faculty and staff will receive additional communication about the need to encrypt computers that currently are not encrypted.  IT staff will work with individuals as needed to make the process as quick and straightforward as possible.

Why Encrypt?

Encryption is a technology used to protect data from unauthorized disclosure. It is the process of encoding information in such a way that hackers or eavesdroppers cannot read it.  Additionally, when your computer is encrypted all files are protected from unauthorized users in the event that your computer is lost or stolen. 

The ever increasing need for improved security requires that the campus make steady progress toward encrypting computers used by faculty and staff.  Classroom computers are currently exempt.

To prepare for encryption we encourage users to backup their important files to one of our campus supported data storage locations like OneDrive or Google Drive.   If you'd like assistance backing up, please submit an ITS Service Request or contact the Shared Services Solution Center at 805-437-8552.

Thank you for your support and continued partnership in this important endeavor.



Monthly Bulletin - January 2021

by Anonymous in ,

Our monthly bulletin provides a summary of activities & accomplishments for the department of Information Technology Services

 User Services

  • Continued monitoring and consultation with Library on meeting student needs for hotspots and loaner laptops.  ITS helped secure another set of 40 hotspots for distribution by the Library.
  • Continued on-site presence to address urgent technology needs and hardware installations.
  • Presented ITS as part of the New Employee Orientation event hosted by Campus Human Resources.
  • Resolved several long-standing door access issues with Facilities Services.
  • Prepared new instructor computers for classrooms.
  • Facilitated several high priority security efforts related to POP/IMAP service, Malware Bytes testing, software updates, etc.
  • Preparing MSFT purchases which included vendor visits and technology comparisons, gathering quotes and requirements.
  • Produced several communications promoting new wifi service at the CI Boating Center.
  • Made new Windows Feature Updates available through SCCM scheduled tasks and user run updates
  • Performed Pharos printer preventative maintenance on student accessible printers as requested by the campus committee on logistics.

Application Services

  • Development, Testing, Quality Assurance, and Move to Production completed or scheduled during January 2021:
    • Web Directory enhancements for Auxiliaries – Principle Development and QA
    • PSAR Automation Enhancements – Principle Development
    • CalState S4 Interface Update Rolling Term Enhancement – Principle Development
    • Engage / CI Sync Corrections - Principle Development and QA
    • Student Records Data Mart MP14 Retrofit – MTP
    • Admission Application Rollover MP14 Retrofit - MTP
    • Transition of Web Applications from Freevo to .Net Core - Principle Development Continues
    • Santa Rosa Island Web Application – Principle Development Continues
    • Creation of 2021 Career & Internship Fair Web Application - Principle Development & MTP
  • Work Continues on mandated CHRS Recruiting Project
  • Database Scripts for the following areas were developed and deployed during January 2021:
    • Student Records (2) – CR / NC Grades, Degree Audit Mapping fix for MP14
    • Admissions (5) – Checklist Due Date, Basis of Admission for 2212 & 2218
  • The Following Maintenance was performed:
    • Maintenance Pack 14.00 was installed in CI Records and CI Personnel
  • The Following Data Warehouse and Institutional Reporting Activity took place during January 2021:
    • CFS Data Warehouse Integration with OneCI Data Warehouse Continues
    • Data warehouse operational work for BFA, Student Affairs, Advancement and Academic Affairs
    • Tableau Server Upgrade Project Continues – Communication and Testing
  • Application Services continued supporting the following operations and projects:
    • 2020 OSHA Report Produced
    • Transact Support for UAS
    • CFS 1099  Coordination for BFA
    • Student Financials 1098T Coordination
    • CSU CMS - AWS Hybrid Cloud Project
    • Identity and Access Management Support
    • CFS Related Support of BFA Operations


  • Installed cabling and outdoor WiFi access points at Channel Islands Boating Center for the premier implementation of CI Parking Lot WiFi.  
  • Prep work for implementation of CI Parking Lot WiFi at Sage Hall
  • Project Management/Supervision of Contractor for Chancellor’s Office CNI WiFi refresh program that is replacing aging WiFi access points inside of Bell Tower, Aliso Hall and Madera Hall
  • Attended online Fall Protection Training
  • Security issues remediation:  disabled insecure rc4 Kerberos protocols on active directory to combat Kerberoasting attacks
  • Security issues remediation:  disabled imap/pop2 authentication in mailboxes as an extra security measure
  • Started migration G Drive/Google Drive to SharePoint migration for CAPS
  • Enabled single sign-on for PMWeb, Shared Web Services Infrastructure, and CNI Refresh portal (Chancellor’s Office applications)
  • Enforced MFA for O365 browser authentications
  • Upgraded our data integrations server to the latest release and updated all packages running on the server

Information Security

  • Revised SAQ’s were sent to CO Audit to close out CI’s outstanding Information Security Audit items
  • Information Security met with Secureworks to put together a SOW for Information Security assessment review
  • The new Adobe sign VPN Access Request Form has been fully implemented and is available for use.  Request for update of web documentation has been made and a communication via EchoTech and the Information Technology blog are scheduled to be sent out 2/1/2021.
  • Information Security began working with CI’s PMO on capacity planning
  • CI was added as a Data Privacy Day 2021 Champion.  Data Privacy Day aims to inspire dialogue, and empower individuals and companies to take action on how their personal information is being used, collected or shared in our digital society.
  • January 12, 2021 - An article on Data Privacy Day was posted on the CI News Center /
  • Working with Jamf consultants Information Security staff were able to optimize our CI’s Jamf environment to support remote Mac computers. This includes over 15 changes or recommendations. This has led to a more stable and faster Jamf system, which will benefit our campus Mac users.
  • Mac OS Big Sur (Mac 11.1) was released to campus users and was available to all via software updates on January 1, 2021.
  • January 6, 2021 - Apple loaned CI a M1 - MacBook Air for 2 weeks for testing. The testing revealed campus software will work with some modifications, but our Jamf needs changes to support the new ARM architecture.
  • We held several meetings with the CO and Dell Secureworks regarding securing CI against malicious threat actors.
  • Kenna Security POC was completed and is ready for use by the Infrastructure group
  • Use of LastPass was approved for ITS staff and the quote for was submitted for approval
  • January 14, 2021 – Information Security met with internal stakeholders to improve on the IT procurement process
  • January 22, 2021 - Info Sec and CI PD did a B.E.C. (Business Email Compromise) presentation to HRE’s Res Ed Student Assistant about scams targeting students in the dorms
  • Carlos Miranda assisted BFA with the new Internal Auditor candidate interviews
  • The new image for Windows (20H2) is now completed and being used by USG. The lab image for Windows (20H2) is in the final stages before being released to USG.
  • Continued with scheduled internal quarterly and monthly internal assessments for:
    • CI Records, CI Personnel, and CI Financials
    • Unisys Data Center
    • PeopleSoft Oracle Accounts
    • Segregation of Duties