Archive for March 2017

IT procurement deadlines for 2016-17 fiscal year

by Anonymous in , ,

This point in the spring term begins the highest volume period for information technology (IT) related purchasing by departments and organizations. Based on data from last year, the Division of Technology & Innovation (T&I) and Procurement anticipate that over 120 procurement requests will submitted between now and the end of the fiscal year (June 30). 

Due to a staffing shortfall in Procurement and to ensure sufficient time for review & processing before fiscal year-end, we kindly request that you submit any IT procurements which will encumber 2016-17 funds via the IT procurement web site ( according to the following timeline:
  • Custom IT procurements (for non-standard IT hardware, software and equipment) must be submitted by no later than 5PM on Tuesday, April 4, 2017
  • Standard IT procurements (for standard desktops, laptops, iPads, printers, etc.) must be submitted by no later than 5PM on Monday, April 17, 2017 
Any 2016-17 IT procurements submitted after those dates will be processed as time and resources permit. 

For reference:
  • Standard IT procurements take an average of 9 days to process. 
  • Custom IT procurements take an average of 50 days to process. 
  • The "Days to process" metric is calculated from the date of initial submission via the IT procurement web site ( to the date where the purchase order is issued to the vendor by Procurement staff).  

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we work together to overcome the staffing shortfall and complete these year-end procurements as quickly as possible. Please contact me at or call 805-437-8587 if you have any further questions.