Digital signage program update

by Anonymous in , , ,

In light of recent questions about the digital signage program at CSUCI, I'm pleased to provide you with a history and overview of the program.

In 2017, the University began an evaluation of its digital signage environment, and documented documented 43 screens in 14 different locations.

Through the evaluation process, several issues were identified:

  1. There was no central method to manage critical campus messaging to all digital signage
  2. The previous process to configure & maintain digital signs wasn’t scalable or sustainable. Information Technology Services (ITS) had a standard for digital signs displays, but it took considerable time to install & configure each screen. In addition, ITS needed to go out and touch each device to update or patch devices.
  3. Displayed information on digital signs were not consistently formatted, due to the variety of digital signage approaches that were used.
With the support of Associated Students Inc at CSUCI, and in collaboration with Communication & Marketing, ITS identified requirements and completed an evaluation and selection process to choose a central digital signage vendor.

After completing their evaluation and sharing the results, Brightsign hardware and Carousel software were selected by the evaluation team for the initial system implementation, and implementation began in 2018. At present, new digital signage screens are deployed in Madera Hall and the Student Union.

All departments requesting new digital signage screens shall participate in the program. For existing screens, participation in the digital signage program for existing screens is optional at present; however, campus organizations that are planning to upgrade their existing screens in the next 12-24 months should plan to participate in this program.

Interested in obtaining new digital signage or upgrading your current signage? ITS has published a knowledgebase article describing how to get started.

If you have any questions about the signage program, please contact Dawn Canfield, Manager of User Services at