Zoom ToS update as it pertains to AI features and .EDU customers

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Zoom recently updated its terms of service and released Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools for some of its customers. These AI tools are currently not available to CSUCI or to any other Zoom customers on the .EDU tenant. This includes the features recently announced called Zoom IQ Meeting Summary and Zoom IQ Team Chat Compose.

Zoom has acknowledged that further evaluation of their AI features in educational spaces is needed before they can offer AI features to customers with .EDU accounts. While CSUCI Zoom account holders will not encounter AI features in the CSU Zoom environment, here are the new AI features within Zoom that campus users should be aware of in case they participate in any Zoom meetings that are hosted outside of the .EDU environment: 

  • Zoom IQ Meeting Summary: a new AI meeting feature on Zoom that listens to meetings and offers automated meeting summaries to select users with AI features enabled. 
  • Zoom IQ Team Chat Compose: a new AI-powered chat tool that composes messages for users within the Zoom chat space.  
  • When a user enters a meeting with AI enabled, a pop-up message will appear upon joining the meeting, similar to the notification that a user sees when they enter a meeting that is being recorded, informing the meeting participant that AI is in use to create a “Meeting Summary”.

Individual users have the ability to enable or disable the AI features on their own personal Zoom accounts. If a CSU user joins a Zoom meeting that is hosted outside of a .EDU environment with AI enabled and they are uncomfortable with that, they can request that the host disable AI for the meeting. Regardless of whether AI features are enabled, you should NEVER share personal, confidential, or privileged information with users who are not affiliated with the CSU via Zoom chat or during meetings. 

Zoom’s updated terms of service will not impact how Zoom is typically utilized at CSUCI.