Computer refresh at CSUCI
by Anonymous in computer refresh, desktop computers, inventory, laptop computers, procurement, strategy 16 Sep 2019
Two questions that Information Technology Services (ITS) frequently receives are:
- how often are campus computers refreshed, and
- how is computer refresh funded?
We're pleased to share some answers to these questions.
Personal Faculty & Staff Computer RefreshSince 2013, refresh of faculty and staff personal desktop and laptop computers has been funded from the general campus budget as described in the ITS Business Practice for Hardware End-of-Life and "Red Tagging" (BP.03.012):
“Each division receives funding from the University budget to support regular, timely refresh of computer equipment, and each division is expected to prioritize and manage the regular refresh of out-of-warranty and red-tagged computers using those funds at their discretion.”
Lab & Classroom Computer Refresh
Computers in labs and classrooms (including instructor workstations) are primarily funded from two sources. The primary source of funding is the Materials, Science, Facilities & Technology (MSFT) student fee. Computer lab and classroom equipment that is not funded through the MSFT may receive secondary funding for refresh using general funds at the discretion of the sponsoring department/division, strategic initiative or other special one-time funding sources.
Funding Challenges and Strategies for Refresh
Unfortunately, current funding levels limit the University's ability to keep all computers up-to-date. ITS can help divisions and departments to identify and prioritize computers for refresh. Keeping all University computers current is important for security and compatibility. University organizations should target to refresh their computers on a regular, rolling cycle that corresponds to computer end-of-life (see below). To facilitate this process, ITS maintains a database of personal, lab and classroom computers as described in the ITS Business Practice for Personal Computer Inventory (BP.03.009).
Computer End-of-Life
To keep CSUCI's computing environment up-to-date, the ITS Business Practice for Hardware End-of-Life and "Red Tagging" (BP.03.012) identifies a 5-year lifecycle for desktop, laptop and tablet computers for personal, lab and classroom use. In addition, all new computers purchased should have a 4-year extended warranty.
How to Purchase New Computers
Standard desktop and laptop computers can be purchased through the standard IT procurement process. These computers have been selected to serve a majority of campus needs and to facilitate support. Non-standard (or custom) computers can be purchased through the custom IT procurement process.
Thanks for your support in keeping CSUCI's computing environment secure and up-to-date. Please contact Chief Information Officer Jim August at with any additional questions about CSUCI's computer lifecycle and replacement process.