As email phishing attempts become more sophisticated, CSUCI is taking additional steps to help protect its users.
On Friday, March 15, 2019, Information Technology Services (ITS) will deploy a new feature that will make emails to University employees from external senders more easily recognizable. A caution message will be added to the body of all incoming external messages. The message in the body of the email will read:
“CAUTION: This email originated from outside of CSUCI. Do not click links or open attachments unless you validate the sender and know the content is safe. Please forward this email to if you believe this email is suspicious. For more information on how to detect Phishing scams, please visit"
Be wary of any emails that include the above message. An email that includes the above warning is not necessarily malicious; however, it’s a reminder for you that the message originated outside of CSUCI.
The addition of this warning message is part of our ongoing cybersecurity initiative to combat spam and phishing emails, as well as helping you to avoid unnecessary delays in accessing your emails or computers due to phishing emails or viruses.
For more information contact the Information Security Team at