Online payment is here!

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As mentioned in a previous post regarding online payment, in cooperation with Budget and Fiscal Services, T&C is pleased to announce the launch of the CashNet eMarket service, the official online payment service of CI. CashNet eMarket is replacing existing campus PayPal accounts for taking online payment for events, products and services.

So far, eMarket has been deployed for 2 systems: online purchase of parking permits, and for registration for the upcoming SCCUR conference.

As of today, October 1, 2012, requests for new eMarket sites can be submitted by campus organizations to Budget & Fiscal Services. A full description of the process and the eMarket request form are available on the CashNet  eMarket web site.

In addition, as of October 2, 2012, Student Business Services and Budget and Fiscal Services will no longer take requests for configuration of new PayPal online payment sites.

Over the course of the fall 2012 semester, Budget & Fiscal Services will work with programs and organizations that are using PayPal to migrate them to CashNet eMarket, with the goal of completing migration and conversion of all existing PayPal payment sites to eMarket sites by December 31, 2012.

Please contact with any general questions about the new CashNet eMarket service, or CI's online payment functionality.