Prepare for Windows Feature Updates
by Anonymous 23 Nov 2020
Starting with Windows 10, Microsoft introduced a new servicing model known as "Windows as a Service" (WaaS), which simply means that instead of getting a new version every three years, you get incremental updates that speed up the integration of new features and simplify the process of keeping devices current and secure.
Feature updates are technically new versions of Windows 10, which become available twice a year (roughly every six months) during spring and fall. CI's current and future feature updates will be available for workstations on the CI network (the computer must be physically on campus or connected to the CI network through VPN), and may be accessed by users through through Software Center. You may only see the update if your computer needs it.
To get to the Software Center:
- Click on the Windows Start Menu
- Search for "Software Center"
- Click on Operating Systems
- Double-click on the most recent Windows version, currently titled "Upgrade to Windows 10 Ent 20H2 x64"
Updates may be performed at the user's convenience, but should be performed within six months of release.
Part of the update will run in the background (you can continue working on your computer) and that process could take from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the performance of your system. The second part of the update will require that you reboot your computer. This could take 10 - 60 minutes where you will be unable to use your computer.
Please help keep your system and other devices on our network up-to-date and current by performing and accepting feature updates. This is an important part of our overall IT security strategy to reduce opportunities for system compromises and failures.
If you have further questions or concerns regarding feature updates, please feel free to submit an ITS Service Request or contact the Shared Services Solution Center at 805-437-8552.