Archive for November 2016

Spring 2017 major project review cycle now open

by in , , 30 Nov 2016

The Spring 2017 major project review cycle is now open.

Campus units and organizations may submit requests for major IT projects between December 1, 2016 and January 17, 2017 during this cycle.

T&C has a bi-annual cycle for major project review; the spring cycle corresponds with the campus budget planning process, to help ensure that campus budget and project requests are appropriately aligned. Projects approved during the spring cycle typically will begin on or after June 1.

For details on how to submit a major project request, please visit T&C New Project Requests page.

Q&A regarding the IT procurement process

by in , , , 30 Nov 2016

In an October session of CI's Academic Senate, a number of questions were raised regarding the purpose and intent of the revised IT procurement process. For the benefit of the campus community, we're pleased to share the feedback which we provided.

Clarification on the new paperwork for Technology purchases - What is the purpose?
The Division of Technology & Communication (T&C) has always had the responsibility to review most technology purchases; however, this was taking place behind the scenes as an inefficient, ad hoc, email-based process. We were losing track of procurement requests at an unacceptable frequency.

The updated procurement process (launched in March 2016 and developed through a partnership between Procurement & Logistical Services and T&C) was developed to provide a more consistent, transparent, efficient and "paper less" procurement experience for IT products and services; and to assure the we are effectively managing risk throughout the procurement process.

What category of equipment need to have the paperwork?
Consumable items (e.g., blank DVD media, etc.) & incidental computing accessories for personal use (e.g., flash drives, external hard drives, keyboards, mice, etc.) are exempt from this process.

All other procurements for IT-related products and services (including computers, printers, hardware and software) must be submitted online as described at . There are 2 categories: standard (for standard IT equipment as described on the T&C Quotes page) and custom (which includes all non-standard procurements, including new software or hardware procurements, software renewals, and consulting services).

Because they are non-standard, custom procurements typically require more detailed evaluation to determine the impact on the campus. The documents required to complete a custom IT procurement are described on the Information Technology Purchasing page at: . The process automatically adjusts evaluation requirements according to the type and complexity of the procurement.

What is the implication on the time of processing for the additional paperwork?
The time that it takes to complete a procurement varies widely on the complexity and impact of the procurement, as well as current capacity within T&C and Procurement. Typically custom procurements take longer than standard procurements. We understand this process is time consuming. There were some delays as we implemented the new process, but we are seeing significant improvement in processing time. ​​Please be assured that T&C and Procurement stakeholders meet regularly to continue to review & refine the process.

Since the launch of the new process in March, T&C and Procurement process on average 40 IT procurements per month. Here are some statistics for October 2017:

Standard procurement (start-to-finish) completion time:
Average: 5 days
Minimum: 3 days
Maximum: 8 days
3-month maximum: 69 days

Custom procurement (start-to-finish) completion time:
Average: 7 days
Minimum: 0 days
Maximum: 12 days
3-month maximum: 54 days

If we are using an external vendor for the equipment and they maintain the equipment, why is the extra paperwork needed?

T&C is obligated to ensure that IT products and services procured by the campus align with campus & CSU policy, applicable laws, and industry best practices so that we can continue to have an efficient, effective, reliable and secure campus technology infrastructure. It's important to evaluate all IT products & services delivered by our partners to ensure they can be installed, used and supported without imposing undue burden or risk on campus operations.​


In conjunction with the Division of Business & Financial Affairs (BFA), T&C also held two IT procurement workshops this fall to review the current process and answer questions. Further workshops will be held in spring 2017 and during future semesters. For further questions or comments, or to inquire about the next IT procurement workshops, please contact Peter Mosinskis, Director of IT Strategy at