IT strategic plan published; monthly discussion topics

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What will CI’s academic and information technology environment look like in 2 years? The recently published Information Technology Strategic Plan provides a glimpse into some of the technology changes that are coming to the University.

The plan is the result of 2 years of research and review with key campus stakeholders led by Vice President for Technology & Communication, Michael Berman. The plan describes the vision for information technology programs, products and services, and provides direction for how the Division will work towards achieving this vision through 2014, including plans for making the campus more “mobile” and “paper-less.”

The plan and accompanying exhibits can be viewed and downloaded from the T&C Strategic Planning and Assessment web site.

To facilitate ongoing and regular discussion of plan initiatives and strategies, T&C will provide a topic for discussion related to the strategic plan each month. The first monthly topic will be published shortly; in the meanwhile, we want to hear from you! Members of the CI community are encouraged to share their thoughts on the new plan by commenting on this blog and/or by sending an email to

We look forward to working with you to achieve our vision of a collaborative, seamless and transparent academic and information technology environment at CSU Channel Islands.